;Cal. Annus Novus Decimal Calendar System ;The Annus Novus Calendar divides the year into 10 months alternating between 36 and 37 days in length, and 73 weeks of 5 days. ;In leap years - which are concurrent with those of the Gregorian system, to aid simplicity - an intercalary 1-day month called the Intercalarius is inserted between the last day of the old year and the start of the new year. ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_days.gif COMMENT=Updated April 5, 2009 \nNE = New Era 01.1. =1 Primus #-8519 NE (Annus Novus Calendar) ;Note=1st month, 36d 06.2. =1 Secundus #-8519 NE (Annus Novus Calendar) ;Note=2nd month, 37d 28.2.+15Dy =1 Tertius #-8519 NE (Annus Novus Calendar) ;Note=3th month, 36d 28.2.+51Dy =1 Quartus #-8519 NE (Annus Novus Calendar) ;Note=4th month, 37d 28.2.+88Dy =1 Quintus #-8519 NE (Annus Novus Calendar) ;Note=5th month, 36d 28.2.+124Dy =1 Sextus #-8519 NE (Annus Novus Calendar) ;Note=6th month, 37d 28.2.+161Dy =1 Septimus #-8519 NE (Annus Novus Calendar) ;Note=7th month, 36d 28.2.+197Dy =1 Octavus #-8519 NE (Annus Novus Calendar) ;Note=8th month, 37d 28.2.+234Dy =1 Nonus #-8519 NE (Annus Novus Calendar) ;Note=9th month, 36d 28.2.+270Dy =1 Decimus #-8519 NE (Annus Novus Calendar) ;Note=10th month, 37d 31.12.%2000,4 =Intercalarius #-8519 NE (Annus Novus Calendar) ;Note=Leap day ;These entries were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://www.atlantium.org/calendaran.html